FAQ - RULES - "For Sale" trading post use (updated 2022)

Use this forum to offer items for sale.
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Richard Hull
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2001 9:44 am
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FAQ - RULES - "For Sale" trading post use (updated 2022)

Post by Richard Hull »


1. post what you have for sale.
2. Sell your goody to a needy guy
3. Once sold, post at the end an update reply noting "SOLD!" and I will erase the thread.
4. The original poster can also inform me in a reply to delete the entire thread they started.

Nothing is worse than to drool over an item, contact the guy and find out the dork sold the thing 2 years ago and just left the post hanging in cyberspace. BUMMER!

Another tactic that works well if you have a lot of items, or have a continuous rotating stock of goodies for sale, is to do like I do. Have a single post of your stuff for sale and post all along as stuff disappears and new material is offered for sale.

Starting now 11/5/22

1. all announcements and all posted replies regarding interesting e-bay buys will be purged by me immediately after the auction closes.

2. All items logged for sale on the trading post and not accompanied by a regular "updated date" in the post's title or text body will be erased after 30 days from the post date. I will let updated stuff get 60 more days out of date before purging. Again, for all for sale posts you have only 90 days maximum on line here!!!!

3. I will erase all wanteds over 60 days old. Please post a reply stating, "OBTAINED" when you satisfy your needs and I will delete the wanted thread

4. Continuous rolling reply discussion and chatter not instantly usable, based on the original query or offering, will be erased as soon as I see it. This is NOT a discussion or informational forum.

5. I will not erase anyone's posting stuff for sale where they have the title as being...........

"John Doe's Store - For Sale listing (2021) - updated regularly".

With this latter title you should never have another post listed in trading post under your name as you have carved out your own little personal surplus store posting forever. You can add or subtract as desired with reply postings from this point forward. To bump your old post back to the top of the list, reply to it with a text line "updated xx/xx/xx". Bingo! your appended old list with corrections, deletions and new stuff is now back on the top of the heap.

*******NOTE: ******* I will delete your personal advertising page, (Store), if you have not updated with a current update line after one year. (example - if you have any update logged in January 2020 it will be good for all 2020, but not on January 1 2021).
PLEASE update with a reply or PM and I will change your date in the original post title at least yearly to keep your post current, even if you have nothing new to offer.

6. I will erase all responses posted to all offerings after 5 days. I will not erase "blank off" or "queue boosting" responses placed by seller to move his or her sales item back up to the top of the pile.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
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