FAQ: Neutron Club - Process for claiming fusion

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Richard Hull
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FAQ: Neutron Club - Process for claiming fusion

Post by Richard Hull »

Note: this iteration of "the rules" is active as of March 2019.

Neutron production is the normal indicator of deuterium-deuterium, (D-D), fusion. The detection of neutrons is the form of "proof of fusion" normally undertaken and accepted here by amateurs. As such, the following are the criteria for being admitted to the Neutron Club... (successful fusion)

1. We should have seen a natural progression in past images and postings of your efforts that would lead successful fusioneers to expect your results. (90 day pre-history of postings)
2. A separate posting of your "claimant's data collection run" must be made in either (Image du jour) or this forum (Fusor Construction and Operation). Such a posting must have the following...

a. Images of the fusion setup and detection instrumentation, but most importantly, a clean color image of the poissor while actually fusing. We
will also demand an image of the claimant standing by his fusion system.
b. The time duration of the "continuous" data collection run. (note: fitful starts and stops over a measurement period are not allowed.)
c. A statement of the actual deuterium pressure within the fusor during the fusion run. (normally very stable)
d. A statement of the actual voltage applied to the fusor during the run (often an average over a narrow range)
e. A statement of the current supplied during the fusor run (again, often an average over a narrow range)
f. Images and details of any neutron detection gear with results, such as.....
1. BTI bubble count with the BTI calibration or binning stated (bubbles/mr)
2. Clear images of a meter face with needle indicating legible numbers on analog neutron meters.
3. A counter readout if using a scaler/counter arrangement that is digital.
4. Activation results with images of the moderator setup and GM counts or gamma spectrogram of gamma peaks. (rare and just not normally done on a first pass entry by any amateur as their neutron levels are just too low and minimal to do any sort of activation work)

3. We prefer that the youngest claimant be of high school age. If anyone younger than this applies, special vetting and extra verification will need to be supplied. There will never be a youngest fusioneer cache' applied if accepted, nor will the age be given in the listing.

While seeing, (images), is often believing, data that is consistent with actual fusion is still the larger part of obtaining induction into the neutron club. We will not accept images alone. We will not accept data alone.

Much like sitting for a degree, questions may be asked by any neutron club member in reply and should be answered in subsequent replies by the applicant so that any issues might be cleared up. Any one of the above criteria that is missing or extremely out of line with common experience may be a reason for further demands and questions. Such omissions will stop induction until supplied. Any neutron club member might object to induction "for cause", but he must be supported by his peers in such an effort.

The peer review process is looked at by folks who have done fusion and know fusion. We know what it takes in every facet of operation in a fusor. We know the range of voltages and related currents at various pressures. We know a fusion image when we see it and it jibes with the reported pressures and voltage/current figures.

The above minimal criteria are easily met by any serious and determined person and are part of the normal and natural progression towards fusion in the acquisition of gear and instrumentation during the extended effort.

While fusion itself is easy by the telling and saying or in theory, It is not a trivial task for the average person to achieve without considerable effort and expenditure in time and treasure. Not many will ever attempt it and only a select few will ever attain it. The select few must suffer some form of minimal vetting, (outlined above), to be inducted into our group of fusioneers.

Note....................New conditional acceptance policy December 2016...........

On rare occasions, an applicant has given a suitable report, but due to a number of factors, (unstable operation, results that demand some further submissions, etc.), The name will not be added to the neutron club until more work is done to the satisfaction of a critical review. However, in the "recent additions" at the top of the fusioneer listing his name will be entered under conditional status for entry into the neutron club listing. Such conditional review status will remain for 90 days and then taken down if the conditional applicant cannot satisfy a critical review within that period. It is assumed that upon initial application and conditional acceptance that the applicant is at a "peak" of activity and further proof will be rather immediately forthcoming.

For an example of what might be an acceptable example go to...


Richard Hull
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Re: FAQ: Neutron Club - Process for claiming fusion

Post by Rich Feldman »

Richard, it looks like you are lowering the bar once again. I hope the changes will get reviewed at HEAS in a couple weeks. But hey, you're the boss. :-)

Unless I missed it, you are no longer asking for a picture of the fusioneer. That makes me very sad.
The set of forums where claims may be posted has increased from one to two. OK, but the claims still need to have images. What's gained by scattering them?

Rich F.
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Richard Hull
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Re: FAQ: Neutron Club - Process for claiming fusion

Post by Richard Hull »

The above post has never been changed via deletion, only by addition.

I may have once asked for an image of the fusioneer in another posting, outside of this formal FAQ.

Today I added one paragraph and shortened the title of the FAQ as the last word "fusion" was chopped off due to too long a title. Plus I brought it forward as it is important to all would-be claimants.

I do not need to see a face, although it would be nice. Many, however, are proud enough to stand by their fusor for a mugshot. I do demand images of the system and all its components, including neutron counting arrangements, be they from a ratemeter and detector assembly (electronic) or a bubble detector.

As always, we are extremely suspicious of instant claimants who have no history of posting or of who have not had a decent, linked history of postings showing their advancing efforts.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
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Re: FAQ: Neutron Club - Process for claiming fusion

Post by Rich Feldman »

Thank you for writing & keeping the rule book, Richard. I must have cut and pasted the following from somewhere else on April 23, 2015, in response to a claimant who persistently ignored it. Let's hope there's not a conflicting tablet of commandments still up in some inconspicuous place.

The following will be demanded for neutron club membership.
1. You shall have been a poster and member of the forums for at least 60 days.
4b. An image of the entire fusor setup with neutron detection assembly in place with yourself in the image with the device. (all must be visible.)
4c. A full data set to include ... Operational pressure of the Deuterium fuel in the fusor during fusion. Show metering.
Several fusion runs with several sets of data as noted above will be preferred.
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Re: FAQ: Neutron Club - Process for claiming fusion

Post by Bob Reite »

I also recall the requirement of a photo of the entire apparatus, with the operator standing or seated nearby. It was not necessarily with the equipment operating at the time.
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Richard Hull
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Re: FAQ: Neutron Club - Process for claiming fusion

Post by Richard Hull »

The current rules above are what matters. 90 day+ prehistory of images of one's struggle and effort is far more import than a mug shot. Obstinance on the part of a claimant to play by the rules is as good as a road block to nomination. The neutron club is our "special place of honor" and is not entered into easily. Regardless of postings or replies outside of the above rules, the above rules rule.

The current claimant has included an image of himself and his gear, obviously proud of his work. All of this is fine, but he must give a creditable report to override his failure to have a pre-history. He now has a bit of pre-history as he struggles to comply. Naturally, we wish him well. Had he been posting all along, he might have had the benefit of more information from responses to make his ride a bit smoother. He has already admitted to as much and that is a good admission. I hope a future report of consistent, credible data will be forthcoming as he is obviously hard at work on doing fusion and being recognized for it. (admission on my part- I almost admitted him on the BTI image alone, but I just have to have a consisent report done right.)

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
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Bob Reite
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Re: FAQ: Neutron Club - Process for claiming fusion

Post by Bob Reite »

I agree that the build process should be shown. I started with "scrounging for parts" (since deleted), but the moderator has archived my "construction phase" posting, as well as my "first plasma" and the first fusion success.
The more reactive the materials, the more spectacular the failures.
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Richard Hull
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Re: FAQ: Neutron Club - Process for claiming fusion

Post by Richard Hull »

As a person works their way up the chain to a new status, (scounger to plasma to neutron), their old position is deleted in favor of their new. At least I try to keep it updated. If you are in the neutron club, you most likely were in all three catagories at one time. (It is assumed) and sort of expected.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
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Richard Hull
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Re: FAQ: Neutron Club - Process for claiming fusion

Post by Richard Hull »

pushed to top of listing Jan 2019

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
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