FAQ - Fusor Schematic - New and improved - revisited

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Richard Hull
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FAQ - Fusor Schematic - New and improved - revisited

Post by Richard Hull »

I attach an image that covers more upgrades to a very complete fusor system that includes a number of bells and whistles.

This is for beginners. As such it is a FAQ. The old one I put out that is on the fusor intro page is still good, but this one catches a lot of nice extras and where they might go.

refer to the following original FAQ for the textual details and the original image.


If more newbies would reference this basic diagram they will find all the basic components of the system and not have to ask the same old questions time and time again.

schematic - new fusor.JPG
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
Matt Salek
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Re: FAQ - Fusor Schematic - New and improved - revisited

Post by Matt Salek »

Are there any pictures of a physically constructed version using this design and the processes of building? Also, is there a post on this forum with more specific measurements?
Thanks for you help.
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Richard Hull
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Re: FAQ - Fusor Schematic - New and improved - revisited

Post by Richard Hull »

In short, NO! Many ask for a set of plans and drawings. This is not that kind of place. At the lowest level for those who arrive here, it is monkey-see-monkey-do for them. At the highest levels, some few folks arrive pretty much ready to rock and roll.

Such high level people arrive with a number of useful skill sets needed to pursue the effort. They have imagination and verve. They possess the "hands-on imperative". They have the ability to work at self-directed study of what is to be found here via the ancient art of reading and of seeing images. They know, up front, that some money and scrounging will be involved, beginning to end. They plan a trajectory related to their effort based on all their foregoing possessed skills, abilities, and funds. 95% never make the plasma club. Only a few of those few that do, will go on to make the neutron club and do fusion. Only a vanishingly small number of fusioneers will stay and do experiment once they do fusion...

No plans or step-by-step materials here. We only offer forums related to specific technologies involved in doing fusion and within each the true jewel of the associates FAQs also to be found are thousands of images of the results of the doing with lots of explanations. The above block diagram seems complicated. You will not absolutely have to have all the paths above to do fusion. Go to the original basic diagram in the URL supplied above with its detailed notation

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
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