Hossenfelder's Most on Point Rant

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Dennis P Brown
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Hossenfelder's Most on Point Rant

Post by Dennis P Brown »

I have been on this very topic here in the past - that so many so-called 'top' physicist are charlatans and frankly, publish 100% garbage. Besides those who she points out - such as Greene - there's Hawking and Penrose who are even worse. At least String theory could be 'tested' in principle (but certainly not in practice; maybe in a thousand years or so when an accelerator the size of the galaxy is built - lol) but the interior of Black Holes can't ever be accessed; not in principle nor at anytime in the future; no matter how advanced we become.

As I posted, the Emperor has no clothes and frankly, this has become the norm not just in physics but in many other areas - like the internet (people who do their "own" research - i.e. if someone post's made up garbage then they use that to prove their own point). This total stupidity is a staple of so much of the american media, and typically, done extensively in our politics. This practice has been used to try to discredit vaccinations! Net result of those current (!) efforts: this has needlessly killed hundreds of thousands of people! Its roots are deep - the tobacco companies provided a master class in lying and certainly the oil companies learned and practice this art on a grand scale.

Nearly everything we have achieved in science and technology over the last four hundred years has been done solely using Empirical science which can ONLY be done by testing using real world data.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBIvSGLkwJY
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: Hossenfelder's Most on Point Rant

Post by Dennis P Brown »

After watching this same vid again (wasn't sure my youtube feed gave me a new rant or not) I realized that the good doctor asked a very relevant question that was far more important then she realized - "How did this entire nonsense get started?"

Either she is really that naïve or else fearful to cross certain people again; i.e. Penrose who recently went on youtube to defend the indefensible when his pet theory by Hawking's, which he based his most 'important papers upon, was shown by Kerr to be wrong.

The names of the destroyers of science in this field are all too well known: Hawking's and Penrose. They both did brilliant work relative to the exterior of Black Holes. Then they both crossed a boundary that must NEVER be crossed - the idea of addressing the Black Hole's interior. They did this by following real physics using the math concepts that work outside and applying these to the interior of the Black Holes - after applying some absurd changes to the physics*. The only problem is this goes where science can not follow.

That they became famous for their early work (which often dangerously made assumptions for those interior's and in Hawking's case, actually used incorrect math to create a false conclusion that went unchallenged for decades) but used that fame to pervert not just that field but many other areas of science. No surprised so many followed their lead in falsifying science. Hey, it paid handsomely.

People like Penrose, Greene, Smolin and even the very rationally based (in the past) physicist like Susskind have crossed those lines and spew irrational concepts that offer 'deep' math based on total BS physics. In Susskind case, he now, and far too often, dives into those very same waters that have perverted science. The biggest part of this problem - besides training similarly minded physicist into this false thinking - is they destroy the subject they hold so dear.

The reason I post this problem over and over is because science is being destroyed like so many other areas of the social 'commons' due to people determined to invent their own facts to support a false agenda. Facts matter and experimental proof is the ONLY bases we have to build real knowledge - but the creation of false facts in science destroys the very best idea that humanity has ever created.

* The idea that time and space are simply 'swapped' on a coordinate system when one cross's a Event Horizon of a Black Hole is the fundamental approch in this field. So I now guess that turning a graph upside down also has deep meaning in Black Hole research.

More seriously, they follow a logical consequence of General Relativity math concept across the Black Hole boundary. That is what leads to the 'swap' and also the complete ruin of both physics and creates the mathematical error Hawking's originally made that invalidates that work. A make believe conclusion that is still the essential part of ALL such work on the interior's of Black Holes.
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: Hossenfelder's Most on Point Rant

Post by Dennis P Brown »

A good vid on the same subject and glad she did!
The good doctor gives a good overview of what has already been discussed here by Richard not too long ago - and the previous post here as well and that is, science has not progressed in any real way in over fifty years.

She doesn't point any specific finger but I will (again) - Steven Hawking's and his fellow media spotlight hog, Penrose. What they did back then was exploit their earned fame (exterior of Black Hole (BH) physics) - and went 100% pseudoscience when they pushed the study of BH interiors (impossible to falsify.) They used this to create far more papers, grants and fame. No wonder so many physicist fell into the same trap. BS math to claim insight into unprovable physics makes one famous, gets papers published and grant money flows. This has been a cancer in all of science but particle physics especially.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQVF0Yu7X24&t=602s
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Frank Sanns
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Re: Hossenfelder's Most on Point Rant

Post by Frank Sanns »

Now for my rant.

Maxwell equations, relativity, and many other "formulas" that are taught and used are nothing more than circular references to each other. This has stagnated physics since the early part of the last century.

End rant.
Achiever's madness; when enough is still not enough. ---FS
We have to stop looking at the world through our physical eyes. The universe is NOT what we see. It is the quantum world that is real. The rest is just an electron illusion. ---FS
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Re: Hossenfelder's Most on Point Rant

Post by Rich Gorski »

Opposite rant,

While it may be true that we have lived under the "rule" of Maxwell's equations, relativity, quantum mechanics etc. Nothing better has yet come to replace them. They have proven themselves useful in the extreme to advance society. I look at it this way, where would we be without them? still living in the stone age? No television, no radio no fusors...

End opposite rant.

Rich G.
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Re: Hossenfelder's Most on Point Rant

Post by Frank Sanns »

Consider this. If you take your foot off of the accelerator pedal, relativity and much else goes away. There is something conceptually going on that is being missed with the explanations.
Achiever's madness; when enough is still not enough. ---FS
We have to stop looking at the world through our physical eyes. The universe is NOT what we see. It is the quantum world that is real. The rest is just an electron illusion. ---FS
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: Hossenfelder's Most on Point Rant

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Frank, gravitational fields are always 'accelerating' you - rather impossible to take one's foot off that accelerator ;) . So really, GR holds at all times. Maxwell equations describe measurable quantities perfectly to extreme accuracy. So, these do work very well.
Through I certainly have issues and I am determined to provide a better total theory to account for both GR and QM.
Ignorance is what we all experience until we make an effort to learn
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