A (rather) plausible method life could form

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Dennis P Brown
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A (rather) plausible method life could form

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Here is a very good idea on how 'life' could have gotten started on the early Earth. worth a read.

See: https://phys.org/news/2024-10-scientist ... earth.html
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Richard Hull
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Re: A (rather) plausible method life could form

Post by Richard Hull »

Interesting....Plausible?...Give it a few billion years to cook.....maybe....
Once life gets going in a eco-zone about a stable star, it is off to the races. Simple life adapts to changing conditions and can "encyst" when times get bad and reemerge when good conditions and moisture returns. Complex life is far more environmentally sensitive. However if mobile might seek better conditions, shelter, etc.

Once any form of life is established on a rocky world it is very hard to extinguish completely as the lowest forms arose through vicissitudes of incredible torment.

Richard Hull
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: A (rather) plausible method life could form

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Exactly, Richard; and a good reason very few complex lifeforms likely exist in our galaxy. Unfortunately.
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