A great rant by Hossenfelder on the Crazies in String theory

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Dennis P Brown
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A great rant by Hossenfelder on the Crazies in String theory

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Greene just can't help himself. Like Hawking and Penrose, all these physicist can do is hype nonsense mathematical ideas never based on reality. Here, I have to admit, even for those guys, this whole Black Hole in a computer bullshit (her words!) is really laughable. I guess the nice thing about using a 2-D universe for modeling is that they get to impose nine extra but non-existing dimensions freely. Amazing what one can do with math, unlike reality.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTxzrrbq04M
Ignorance is what we all experience until we make an effort to learn
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