Sabine goes "potty mouth" on quantum computing

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Richard Hull
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Sabine goes "potty mouth" on quantum computing

Post by Richard Hull »

Sabine is really on point about investing in Quantum computing startups! She really pours it on with lots of expletives not deleted.
This bears on fusion startups too. Sounds familiar doesn't it. I like a brilliant physicist who can cuss. It might not make them look nice, but they've got guts and guts is enough.

Richard Hull
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: Sabine goes "potty mouth" on quantum computing

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Not very surprised. Dr. Hossenfelder does find interesting science related topics to explore.

Funny that not too long ago a similar essentially no revenue company was offered publicly and has seen a rather large decline in its stock price. These types of offerings do happen and too often. But the entire process is controlled by banks (they generally launch these offerings and get a nice cut) so not holding my breath that the SEC will be successful in controlling these types of stock offerings.
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Re: Sabine goes "potty mouth" on quantum computing

Post by Frank Sanns »

Venture capitalists are screwing up the normal way of fundings. There is so much money out there right now. The VC are at a point like the deal on Wall Street. It was and is just nuts.

Money is flowing into these ideas because VC are just tossing money into any game in town. People want to be part of the action in some way. Even if it fails, they can say they are in it or part of it. They are playing the lottery hoping for the big win. As we all well know, gambling is just that.

An overall loosing venture but with the psychology of giving at least a chance at a win brings them in droves. Stop by a casino and afternoon or evening and look at all of the Social Security checks and IRA money and earned money being tossed into the wind just for the minuscule chance that you leave with more than you came with.
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Re: Sabine goes "potty mouth" on quantum computing

Post by Paul_Schatzkin »

So... 'quantum computing' is actually a scam to Hoover up government funding / taxpayer dollars?

I'm paying for this stuff? It's enough to make a guy vote Republican – not that that would make any difference. I'm sure there's adequate stupidity on both sides.

I chuckled when I heard Sabine refer to the "investment" as "govern... mental." Yup.

I gotta hand it to Sabine, though, her understanding of how money gets around is right up there with grasp of particle spin.

And, yeah, OK, eventually some of these 'quantum computing' companies might flourish. I doubt the same can be said for any of the similar angel-and-venture funded fusion enterprises.

"Nano-Quantum-AI-Fusion Something:"
Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 3.29.55 PM.png
They're in! Can we get some, too?

And, finally... the Quantum Toaster... it'll burn your toast and not burn it at the same time. Does that mean it also fills you up without adding any calories to your diet? Sign me up for a million shares!

Paul Schatzkin, aka "The Perfesser" – Founder and Host of
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Richard Hull
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Re: Sabine goes "potty mouth" on quantum computing

Post by Richard Hull »

The way it goes for Quantum computing and for fusion startups.

1. Folks who have no real job, but are tech savvy, get a small government grant to do whatever wonderment is claimed.
2. Grant money almost runs out and what is left is used for a flashy website with photos of what they have already built with claims of big opportunities await the lucky private corporate, or venture capital investor.
3. They get millions from the initial big boy investors. Once that gets thinned out, they approach the SEC for a license to issue stock under that special program designed to allow weak applicants to enter the exchange. Once accepted and trading on the exchange, private$10,000 investors, (doctors lawyers, candlestick makers, etc.) dump money in the stock offering and the stock price shoots up!
4. The venture capitalists "cash out" and make money...The stock's price plunges on the massive sell out. The startup fails, having lived for a few years.

Who loses money?

The Government on the original grant. (Actually you, the taxpayer)
The small later investors who bought stock on the way up and who actually caused it to go up.

Who wins money?

The guy who invented the startup idea and some employees who rode out the scam earning salaries.
The venture capitalists who cashed in their stock holdings at the peak.

What a nice scam!! The actual cause that was supposed to be advanced by the original startup gets no farther along and perhaps a black eye for each such startup failure.

Richard Hull
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David Kunkle
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Re: Sabine goes "potty mouth" on quantum computing

Post by David Kunkle »

Sounds like the first application of quantum computing will be investors using it to predict the stock market to know exactly when to buy or sell. Of course, it won't be long before everyone has a quantum computer to predict the stock market. Then, if everyone has a quantum computer predicting when to buy and sell, how do you program your quantum computer to take into account the fact that everyone has a quantum computer telling them when to optimally buy and sell?

Makes my head hurt. Kinda like going back in time to shoot your grandfather.
If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment.

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Re: Sabine goes "potty mouth" on quantum computing

Post by Paul_Schatzkin »

David Kunkle wrote: Mon Sep 16, 2024 11:12 am Makes my head hurt. Kinda like going back in time to shoot your grandfather.
Been there.

Done that.

This post does not exist.

How does your head feel now?

Paul Schatzkin, aka "The Perfesser" – Founder and Host of
Author of The Boy Who Invented Television
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: Sabine goes "potty mouth" on quantum computing

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Petty much the entire venture based "Investment" groups looking to get in on the ground floor of start ups are against regulation or oversight so certainly the republican party wouldn't help there. As for government money, congress set aside a very small (compared to, say building an aircraft carrier) pot of money for new ideas. It is very competitive and really a lot of good ideas are selected. As for big money, that is a line item in congress and there the fault has more to do with lobbying firms: i.e. K-street.

By the way, if you went back in time to shoot your grandfather, you'd find yourself in deep space; the solar system moves and going back in time isn't very helpful without moving the entire universe back to everything being in its correct position for that time, as well. So, your grandfather is very safe even with time machines running ... ;)
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Daniel Harrer
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Re: Sabine goes "potty mouth" on quantum computing

Post by Daniel Harrer »

I don't see why some posts attribute this to US government funding and thus wasting money. The few grants are tiny and those kinds of fundamental research are actually important yet pretty cheap. The real money comes from investors, not government; people that hope for a windfall. One of the few exceptions is ITER but that is obviously not even in the USA.

David: I am not convinced that quantum computers are that great for predicting stock markets. They aren't inherently faster on many problems, just specific ones. It is still a possibility, though. Regardless, the feedback cycle between multiple "quantum investors" will not be much worse than High-Frequency Trading already is. Which means: it is pretty problematic, but we are already in that state anyway.
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