We all share one single, ever mixing atmosphere

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Richard Hull
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Re: We all share one single, ever mixing atmosphere

Post by Richard Hull »

To think we can do anything to change any of this is ridiculous on the face of it. Yes we can piss and moan. Modern society has done what it has done. It has moved in and built and over built thinking all would be fine. Indeed, it was fine; until it wasn't. The world is one of change. Snowball Earth, ice ages, great yet slow inundations due to sea rise. All no big thing for early humans we just migrated to warmer climates or moved as the waters slowed moved inland. Sorry, can't do that now... We are packed in like sardines. In the early 1900's hyper hurricanes racked up many thousands of dead in the US. This monster so far has killed only a bit over a hundred. The very techno9logy of our age keeps the body count down, but not the economic cost. Billions will be spent to put things aright. They will rebuild in all the flood zones for sure. Land is too valuable to go to waste just because of a flood.

A horrid weather event? Sure. But, just nature doing its thing without regard for us. Climate change is inevitable and always has been. The rapidity be it our fault over an entire industrial revolution or not, we can't go beck we are too far gone on the path. Some are of the mind we can change things on a global atmospheric scale. Go luck on that Charlie.

Richard Hull
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: We all share one single, ever mixing atmosphere

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Certainly all true but the carefully constructed evidence done over decades of careful research has shown conclusively that global warming (aka climate change) is human created/caused. There are no natural processes (so wish there were!) causing the current rise in average world temperature. Through it certainly was inevitable since we have to use fossil fuels to create the world we did. Nuclear could have made a small change in the rate of CO2 growth but hardly any significant one.

Yes, the government is here to help and that is why death tolls are so low from hurricanes and other natural disasters today; vastly improved warnings, better building codes and professional and well state/national organization efforts have all made huge differences in reducing death rates over the years. Ditto, regulations for dams preventing/reducing massive floods (including molasses ones!)
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