Rich Feldman things for sale

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Rich Feldman
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Rich Feldman things for sale

Post by Rich Feldman »

I still have some sheets of machinable graphite, about 17 x 33 inches and 1/4" thick. Few years ago I cut up one or two and sent them to readers here. How 'bout $1/SF + shipping cost?
They were destined for scrap after auctioneer's liquidation of tangible assets at Nanosolar, a onetime maker of CIGS solar panels.
Today the former Nanosolar buildings are occupied by Velodyne Lidar. The tall outdoor tanks for LN2 and LH2 are gone.
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Richard Hester
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Re: Rich Feldman things for sale

Post by Richard Hester »

Things change rapidly in Silicon Valley. Velodyne Lidar merged with a company having a similar product focus called Ouster, and now the parking lot at Velodyne is practically empty. Ouster is headquartered in SF, so now there are only a few token cars in Velodyne's lot - maybe software guys making a lot of echoes in a practically empty building, and perhaps keeping the trolls from breaking in and burning the place down. Nanosolar probably bombed when they burned through all their venture capital, and possibly couldn't compete with cheap silicon solar panels from China. Verified - one of the factors in Nanosolar's demise really was cheap Chinese solar panels - the founder swore he'd never try a business venture like that again...
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Richard Hull
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Re: Rich Feldman things for sale

Post by Richard Hull »

When government says, "we are here to help"...Beware!!!

When they pushed and partially financed the green solar panel initiative, billions of taxpayer dollars and some investor money went down a rat hole.
When they pushed EVs as part of the green new deal, they offered cash incentives to buy them. Auto makers went whole hog into the EV biz. This effort is a bust as a few makers now refuse to make expensive and now, unsold EVs! Ford and others have lost billions of dollars on EVs that are not selling now that the public is shunning for the more practical Hybrids and standard gas cars. With these latter two choices, gas at gas stations will get you anywhere any time! Hybrids charge as the gas engine works and adds to efficiency.

When the government pushes anything with taxpayer dollars, failure is not far away.

Richard Hull
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Bob Reite
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Re: Rich Feldman things for sale

Post by Bob Reite »

EV's are OK for a second car that is driven maybe 50 miles a day at most. But I'm looking to buy a three year old one that is just coming off lease next year, because I'll be able to get it dirt cheap. And even at PA electric rates, the electric "fuel" cost will be only 70% of petrol Plus no oil changes or other ICE maintenance headaches.
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