Trust Scientist? Dr. Sabin has her take

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Dennis P Brown
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Trust Scientist? Dr. Sabin has her take

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Well, about time Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder decided to air out her reasons to distrust scientist - physicist because they create complete nonsense far too often and climate scientist because ... well, sorry, but you need to listen to her yourself.

Ignorance is what we all experience until we make an effort to learn
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Richard Hull
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Re: Trust Scientist? Dr. Sabin has her take

Post by Richard Hull »

Being an empiricist, If I can't see it, test it, and get repeatable results, I just can't believe in it.

However, if something can't be seen, but a plausible theory exists that expands widely due to various tests and is found to be consistent, even within a statistically high sigma, it will do until it fails.

In science, we accept much, perhaps too much, at times.

I am not much for crawling out on tenuous scientific limbs. Science must never leave logic and reason behind, no matter how far others might wish us to join in their "little marching bands" of adherents.

Read not to accept or take for granted, but to weigh and consider.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
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