Sabine does it again with good reasoning

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Richard Hull
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Sabine does it again with good reasoning

Post by Richard Hull »

Cold fusion again!? I think not, but claimed at a big conference with demonstration. Sabine is right on point and explains things well. She does claim there is cold fusion and it works in the neutristor device but will never make real energy...Just like our fusors.

My big belief is that P-P fusion claimed by these guys is just not there at all. It is something chemical or metalocrystallagraphy if the heat is real.

Sabine also notes that these folks are honest and serious as are many LENR workers/researchers. (which I agree with) The problem is money for the work needed to hire a good chemist a good nuclear physicist and most important several persons specializing in critical measurement technique in many disciplines. (electrochemistry, metal materials expert, nuclear measurement, thermodynamics, etc) All the folks must work as one at one goal with regular meetings and sessions among them. A mini-manhattan project.

It is the subtleties in measurement and its interpretation that make or break this concept.

Lenr is real but probably not a source of energy we can use.

Richard Hull
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Frank Sanns
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Re: Sabine does it again with good reasoning

Post by Frank Sanns »

In the first year of cold fusion, now known as LENR, I did some chemist calculations. The magnitude of the best reported heat generations agreed very well with CHEMICAL reactions. They were not at the magnitude of even the smallest nuclear reactions.

Heat of solution is an example that most people are familiar with. Pour some drain cleaner into water and you will see the heat generated. This is chemical energy release. There is no radiation and no transmutation of the elements.

As stated in the video, there are also lattice changes in metals. Most people are familiar with hydrogen embroilment and cracking. Again another reaction of electrons (chemical) and not nuclear.

Over the years, more chemists win the Nobel prize in physics than physicists. It is easy to get fooled if you do not know what electrons themselves (chemistry) can do all on their own.
Achiever's madness; when enough is still not enough. ---FS
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: Sabine does it again with good reasoning

Post by Dennis P Brown »

I was just the twentieth person to view it at the time. The people that did this joke of a demo are absolutely liars and con-artist - to claim they couldn't have available neutron detectors or gamma ray detectors is the first give away. I pointed out in the comments that these cost less than $2K. Ridiculous that they didn't measure those species. And no, there is no such thing and has never been a hydrogen fusion process - cold or warm or hot - that can fuse w/o producing these by-products.

Getting a metal to further heat up (it was already rather hot) in the presence of hydrogen gas is not difficult. Keeping it going for days would be trivial if real fusion was taking place. Of course, the neutron and gamma output would be massive as well and easily measured.
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Richard Hull
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Re: Sabine does it again with good reasoning

Post by Richard Hull »

For me, it was the p-p claim that killed it. p-p can't be done on earth to a measurable degree without a significantly large accelerator and instrumentation in hand. Without a total of 2 or more neutrons pre-extant in the fusion fuel components, no fusion is really possible. The p+b11 or p-3He are 2 neutron reactions with a proton.

All easy fusions and fissions are NANR reactions. (Neutron Assisted Nuclear Reactions)

p-p reactions are all nuclear and reserved for proton accumulations of stellar mass. Stars do P-P so slow and poorly they last for billions of years. Stars are the sole source of neutrons in the universe.

Once neutrons are created in stars at a slow rate of p-p fusion, helium can begin to slowly grow in over billions of years. Higher elemental fusion based creation goes even slower and slower to the point where a star either goes nova or super nova, based on its mass.

Based on what we observe and know, stars of a few solar mass die and go nova as they try to burn/fuse carbon, causing them to swell to red giants. The most gigantic stars that don't form singularities go super or hyper nova as they try to burn/fuse iron.

Obviously when the carbon to iron concentration in stars of any mass become such a large component and go nova for this reason, they have a higher Z content of elements beyond carbon and beyond iron just simply due to fusion related quantum tunneling.

Rocky planets are repositories of chance elements that were part of their original solar forming nebula. We have large, mineable amounts of very high Z elements, Bismuth, Uranium and Thorium in our lithosphere by mere chance.

Richard Hull
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David Kunkle
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Re: Sabine does it again with good reasoning

Post by David Kunkle »

How is this not Pons & Fleischmann all over again?

......except far more ridiculous claiming to be fusing protium?
If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment.

Ernest Rutherford
David Kunkle
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Re: Sabine does it again with good reasoning

Post by David Kunkle »

Didn't bother to take any possible radiation measurements?

Apparently didn't bother to see what would happen if heavy water was used instead of regular?
Deuterium is only about a trillion X trillion times easier than protium, so why bother doing that. (sarcasm)
If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment.

Ernest Rutherford
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