Neutrino's (again) Vid by Dr. Sabin Hossenfelder

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Dennis P Brown
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Neutrino's (again) Vid by Dr. Sabin Hossenfelder

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Well, looks like our favorite particle is still creating trouble (ok, maybe only some people's favorite.) While the mass issue has been a problem for some time, apparently there are new theories to try and account for this embarrassment. One of which - and physicist will totally become enamored with this one for sure - is that one such proposed neutrino particle (the super massive one) could be a possible Dark Matter candidate (current neutrino's can't account for Dark Matter.)

Net result, since the Dark Matter theory has no detectable particle and needs one we will now finally have a candidate particle (well, actually, once again.) But best of all - while no one can remotely come up with a mass for this new possible super heavy particle - they do KNOW its beyond all existing colliders energies! So they will need a new and far bigger collider to find this possible particle.

Yet a very small issue (for particle physicist) is they have no way to predict the high mass of this new particle so no idea what size a collider to build that will detect this possible particle - certainly an ideal situation for these physicist! They have a reason to propose an endless cycle of building bigger and bigger colliders to find this possible Dark Matter candidate. All I can say is, this makes fusion research look sensible.

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