Junk thrown out at work

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Dennis P Brown
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Junk thrown out at work

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Seeing stuff like this thrown out to rust is difficult to accept
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Frank Sanns
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Re: Junk thrown out at work

Post by Frank Sanns »

It has to be a university throwing away student's tuition or a government facility throwing away tax dollars. Everybody else would have sold it off or donated it.
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Richard Hull
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Re: Junk thrown out at work

Post by Richard Hull »

Thrown into heaps like that, knife edges are ruined and polished flats are dinged. Nice stuff ruined through gross mishandling.

Richard Hull
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Liam David
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Re: Junk thrown out at work

Post by Liam David »

We have a similar thing at PPPL. Usable vacuum hardware thrown into the scrap bin.
Rex Allers
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Re: Junk thrown out at work

Post by Rex Allers »

Did you rescue any of it?

Wondering about the full spool of something black tube shaped -- tubing or coax maybe.

Oh well, none of it on offer here I guess.
Rex Allers
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Finn Hammer
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Re: Junk thrown out at work

Post by Finn Hammer »

Being stainless most of it, rust is the least of problems.
But that large bore 1010 series Pearson Current Monitor really should not be thrown out, even with limited application scope for the average fusioneer.
Just for size comparison:

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Re: Junk thrown out at work

Post by Matt_Gibson »

Throwing out $$$$.
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Richard Hull
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Re: Junk thrown out at work

Post by Richard Hull »

When I was working with the PhD's, Peter and Neal Graneau on water arc explosions back in 1994-96. I was more or less forced to purchase a 1000:1 wide band Pearson current transformer. I let go of $1000 back then to obtain the best of the best in the industry. In the end, our paper was published in the Journal of Plasma Physics in 2000.

In the time since then, I have, at hamfests, purchased 3 other Pearson wide band CTs. In some cases the sellers knw what they had. I found a 100:1 Pearson, but had to pay $100 for it, a sum rarely changing hands at hamfests. I have since picked up 2 more, a 50:1 and a 10:1 for $60 for the pair. Most such hamfest buys come from surplus pulsed laser systems that are cannibalized for parts.

I still use them for high current discharge experiments. With careful scaling I can put the voltage on channel A and the current on channel B of my Tekscope and use the math function A x B to yield a peak power waveform.

Wideband C.T.s are recognized by having a BNC connector on them. Common power frequency C.T.s usually have screw terminals on them.

Great photo of Finn looking through the big Pearson Dough-nut! I have a couple of Varian large dough-nut C.T.s. They are also were hamfest buys, but were just !0:1 C.T.s and bought for $10 each. I have had friends ask to borrow a wideband C.T. and only let them borrow the Varians.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
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