Who's Next?

Compilations of the works of significant long term members of the site. Induction into this area is by long term contribution and by nomination only.
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Frank Sanns
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Who's Next?

Post by Frank Sanns »

There are others that need to be added here. So lets start adding. My magic mirror sees, two more candidates in no particular order, Joe Gayo, Mark Rowley..........

A few others come to mind but lets hare some nominations from the members.
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Re: Who's Next?

Post by Matt_Gibson »

I vote for Finn Hammer.

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Richard Hull
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Re: Who's Next?

Post by Richard Hull »

I vote for all of them! We have the legacy folks up now, let us get the low down on the rest the movers and shakers who have done, in a short time, legacy worthy work. Create their space and let them fill it at will. I lost all my images, but restored them yesterday.

The key thing guys, is tell us all about yourself so that you are not just some superb fusioneer and active poster in our minds. Give us a bit of your history use Jon, Frank and my own missives as a directional idea launch pad. What are your hobbies? Family composition, if any, etc. Make yourself appear human rather than some distant tech geek that we have come to know via your posts.

Let's just do it! Thanks for the push Frank....

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: Who's Next?

Post by Dennis P Brown »

I agree with that list (all those people) and hope they respond - those three have gone so far and above 'average' work here that they have really set the bar to an impressive level (no disrespect for those here that 'just' do average work - that is me, in a nutshell; uh, no pun intended ;) )
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Richard Hull
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Re: Who's Next?

Post by Richard Hull »

I am stunned this section is so bare with so many wonderful contributors of great merit yet to post on how they got here and accomplished so much.

I keep asking myself..... why?

I came up with all manner of possible excuses as my mind casts a wide net.

1. Just too shy and not wanting to seem special, (in spite of feeling and actually being really special)
2. Not wanting to tell their life story related to how they got here and achieved so much. (reasons?)
a. My lost drug years after college
b. My lost drug years after dropping out of college
c. My lost years during 5 failed marriages and 12 different jobs in 6 states
d. My lost years in prison
e. My lost years in the peace corps
f. My lost years in a cult
g. My lost years as a beach bum
h. My lost years without a career or job.
i. My totally lack luster early life of failure after failure until I discovered fusion.

At 77 I have met all manner of folks of all stripes with interesting and diverse paths in their past who braved life's stormy blasts.

We need the good, the bad, and the ugly as to how your wound up here and became a real hero of sorts, gaining universal accolades among your peers here for your work.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
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