Last time I noted that I tried to use my Win 10, in emulation mode, to operate my STX-360 black box nuclear counting system. But that didn't work for their new software (that works on Win 10.). Worse, my old model STX-360 requires a first generation USB that connects to a RS-232 port! So I had to get a modern USB port to convert to a RS-232 port via another emulator system (and special cable); and that was a bridge too far for my old black box counter system/computer and their new software. Their software knew the RS-232 port was there but refused to connect through it to their STX-360.
Well, bottom-line I setup the Win 7 based computer I obtained (needed to recover old files as well but that's another story.) This reconditioned computer was too modern (it only had all USB ports! The company sent their very best and latest reconditioned model ... oh well, a very nice unit.) Turned out not a big issue - I just ordered a RS-232 card, and installed it. Next, I connected my old Spectech (STX-360) display/controller and power supply black box to a scintillation detector. Powered everything up, ran their old version of their software (that requires an RS-232 port) and got the entire system to work through my computer - so, it is a success. The STX-360 records counts, saves the data as a file, and can display/print out a graph of said data all controlled from my Win 7 computer.
This is a great start to this project but only one detector out of three that I want to get to work (this is a simple gamma ray scintillation detector - not of much use for a fusor, of course.)
So next on the 'to try list', I will attempt to install my old BF3 detector as well (need to install that tube back into a shielded case and create a proper HV coax cable connection). Then fire up my fusor and see what is cooking, if anything. Guess that will be interesting. This detector will also use my STX-360 black box (this is detector #1).
Making slow progress on my new 3He detector (detector #2) - getting their newest software (rather hard to use and not friendly at all) to finally 'see' their black box and maybe talk to my 3He detector. That too will require my fusor to run.
If these all pan out, look at my neutron scintillation detector tube (detector #3) and finally, using the STX-360 and a Geiger tube, try to see if I can finally see activation of silver (an indirect detector system, so maybe really detector #4.)
This is all a lot to try and do for the new year and it is just the literal tip of the iceberg of what I plan on accomplishing/trying this new year. But getting a good start.
Window 7 Computer and STX-360 counter Black Box
- Dennis P Brown
- Posts: 3667
- Joined: Sun May 20, 2012 10:46 am
- Real name: Dennis Brown
Window 7 Computer and STX-360 counter Black Box
Ignorance is what we all experience until we make an effort to learn
- Richard Hull
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- Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2001 9:44 am
- Real name: Richard Hull
Re: Window 7 Computer and STX-360 counter Black Box
Any form of activation is, and always will be, the gold standard heralding fusion that is irrefutable.
Richard Hull
Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment