FAQ - What is a fusor - A definition with some explanation

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Richard Hull
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FAQ - What is a fusor - A definition with some explanation

Post by Richard Hull »

The simple fusor, as constructed by the amateur scientist, is a nuclear reactor that functions as an electrostatically driven, deuteron accelerator/collider in which nuclear fusion takes place.
As constructed, it can also cause some recirculation of the deuterons within the device to undergo a continuous acceleration and deceleration until they are neutralized via collision.
The simple fusor is not an efficient reactor for doing fusion. However, and by whatever method or methods that might be conceived, it does nuclear fusion!

Definition: Simple fusor - A conductive, vacuum tight, sealed enclosure with some form of inner, electrically insulated electrode, (often referred to as a "grid"). The foregoing device is placed under vacuum and the atmospheric pressure within is reduced to below one millionth of sea level pressure. Deuterium gas is then introduced to the point that far more than 95% of the contained gas is deuterium. To this two terminal device a large potential difference is applied well in excess of 20,000 volts. Typically, the inner electrode is at a high negative potential relative to the conductive enclosure which, for safety purposes, is at earth or ground potential.

Definition: Nuclear reactor - Any enclosed device within which any form of nuclear reaction takes place. No useful or usable nuclear energy output need take place, merely nuclear reactions. In the case under discussion here, the nuclear reaction is nuclear fusion.

Definition: Amateur scientist - Any person who seeks to understand any facet of the natural universe via active experiment. Such a person, in the process of doing experiment, is not recompensed in any fashion during the effort, beyond enrichment of their knowledge and understanding. Curiosity and a personal sense of adventure via experiment drive the amateur scientist in search of knowledge, in much the manner of a professional scientist.

Definition: Electrostatically driven - A large potential difference established between charged particles will, by coulombic force, "drive" or accelerate the particles in a fixed direction.

Definition: Deuteron accelerator/collider - Any device that is capable of 1. Creating deuterons (ionized deuterium nuclei) within deuterium gas. 2. Capable of accelerating said deuterons. 3. Capable of creating an environment where the fast moving deuterons are allowed to collide with each other in velocity space or impinge upon a target into which deuterium atoms have been loaded into the target's molecular surface lattice.

Definition: Velocity space - Any open, unobstructed area or space in which high velocity particles are in motion, either accelerated or in uniform linear motion relative to each other, regardless of direction of travel relative to each other. Note: this is not a purely thermal environment as acceleratory forces are applied to a significant fraction of the particles within velocity space.

Definition: Method - A specific descriptive process designed to achieve a desired outcome

Definition: Nuclear Fusion - The act of forcing two elemental, atomic nuclei to join to form one or more nuclei of a different elemental type. In this process energy is usually released.


The simple amateur fusor that was originally established as the prime device within these forums is an extreme simplification of the far more complex "Farnsworth fusor" originally proposed by Philo T. Farnsworth in the late 1950's and investigated within the ITT corporation from 1960-1968 as a possible source of fusion power.

When the definition of "simple fusor" is met, in physical form, fusion will take place at some deuterium pressure and at some high voltage applied potential and current. Fusion, at the amateur level, in the simple fusor, is proven via the detected presence of neutrons penetrating the fusor's conductive enclosure.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
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