Great reference printout for your vacuum notebook

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Richard Hull
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2001 9:44 am
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Great reference printout for your vacuum notebook

Post by Richard Hull »

The image below was created for the back cover of an issue of Electric Spacecraft Journal some years back. I was CEO of that company for a few years.
The work is a product of one of the best scientific staff members who pulled the data together and a graphics person who made up the diagram.
Note: the notations in red are my own placed on the chart today for your benefit. In addition to the full image, I supply an expanded image of the fusor part of the chart.

It is an incredible value as it gives general pressures vs. altitude, free electron numbers and molecule numbers at altitude. It labels the regions of our atmosphere and has a number of little drawings of things that are found or operate at various altitudes. Amazingly, it tags the various vacuum pumps you might use to achieve a desired atmospheric referenced vacuum.

Example: I note that our fusors do all their fusion at the level of a mechanical pumps's highest capability and where a diff and turbo pump will just start to go deeper. Also, this is a degree of vacuum where meteors just start to burn up due to atmospheric friction. Thus, the fusor works at a pressure equal to the fine line between the labeled D and E regions of our atmosphere, 60 miles above the earth.

I would definitely suggest copying both images, storing them on your computer and printing out full page images for your lab wall, vacuum reference notebook, etc. A teaching guide for newbies.

I hope you all find this as interesting and useful as I did.

Richard Hull
ESI BP mod.jpg
ESI BP closeup.jpg
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
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