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Cedric Soares
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Joined: Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:04 am
Real name: Cedric Soares


Post by Cedric Soares »

Hello, I am Cedric Soares, I studied electromechanical engineering. I am a amateur scientist, doing indempended research on fusion. I am researching inertial electrostatic confinement/magnetic confinement with the objective of maximizing ion collision probability, otimizing ionization efficiency and raise average ion energy closer to maximum ion energy at collision.
Cedric Soares
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Re: Introduction

Post by Cedric Soares »

Photo of basic design concept
Photo of basic design concept
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Richard Hull
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Re: Introduction

Post by Richard Hull »

Looks interesting welcome to the forums.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
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Rich Gorski
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Re: Introduction

Post by Rich Gorski »


Interesting set of beam photos. Can you elaborate on what we're looking at?

Based on the last photo it appears that you have an ion gun on the left side emitting a beam into the first chamber where magnetic (or electrostatic?) focusing takes place. Then the beam goes through a middle chamber and enters the right side chamber where the beam becomes brighter (higher pressure or higher potential?) and then goes through another focus and finally into a metal beam stop at the right end. Do I have it right and what's in the middle chamber?

Rich G.
Cedric Soares
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Joined: Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:04 am
Real name: Cedric Soares

Re: Introduction

Post by Cedric Soares »

In these image i was testing the magnetic field shape to determine if it was able to focus electrons, the bottom is negative with a neutral disk spaced 2mm on top with a 1.5 mm hole, on the center there is a monopole magnet with the positive lead, there is a 1.5kV potential diference between the bottom and middle, the beam formed on the top is electrons that are decelerating, it is all one chamber, with a 6Pascal Absolute pressure.
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