FAQ - Neutron flux from your fusor - advanced topic

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Richard Hull
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FAQ - Neutron flux from your fusor - advanced topic

Post by Richard Hull »

We have never dwelled on the neutron flux from our fusors as it is pitiful compared to other neutron sources. (10e5-10e6 n/sq.cm/sec)
However, for those doing activation, (advanced fusioneers), knowing one's neutron flux might be of interest. Some of our finest fusors might be in the decade range of 10e2-10e3 n/sq.cm/sec!

I say advanced fusioneers as a special assembled GM probe must, typically, be in contact with the activated material within the neutron oven (activation moderator). I submit a paper in PDF form that might be of interest discussing how to compute your fusor's flux via data taken during activation as well as from activation results. There is some complexity involved. The neophyte and the young might not be advanced in chemistry, physics, electronics, and assemblage to undertake this quest.

Richard Hull

Edit: mea culpa... Yet another new pass at it on 11/9/22. Somebody check the calcs in this newest pass at getting it right. Please!

Reference: Guide to Activation Analysis, W.S. Lyon, Jr., Van Nostrand,1964
Activation Mathematics.pdf
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Richard Hull
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Re: FAQ - Neutron flux from your fusor - advanced topic

Post by Richard Hull »

I have really been bounced around in the above 3 times now posting an updated, yet error filled mathematical solution in the example given of my run of fusor IV. The error were mine via units, improper entering of data and just plain 76 year old ossification of the mind and general befuddlement.
Math is not beyond me just yet, but I still fumble the parameter entry part of this effort. ....#@&%(@!!

Sorry again. I hope this is the real deal... above in the original post with its 4th new and best PDF.........I hope

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
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Richard Hull
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Re: FAQ - Neutron flux from your fusor - advanced topic

Post by Richard Hull »

I attach a PDF file where the activity equation is given. You will note that the above equation in the original PDF in the original first posting above is a mathematical adjustment from the equation given in this PDF. Above we sought the flux and now, knowing the flux, we seek the resultant activity following activation of an element of know flux, irradiation time and cross section.

Once we know our flux from the original post above, we might be able to calculate the future resultant activity of any number of elements.
I blessedly gave no examples to tangle me up as above. It is up to you....

Richard Hull
Neutron activation file.pdf
(221.45 KiB) Downloaded 351 times
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
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