Cold Fusion. Might be possible After all?

It may be difficult to separate "theory" from "application," but let''s see if this helps facilitate the discussion.
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Bob Reite
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Cold Fusion. Might be possible After all?

Post by Bob Reite »

Sabine Hossenfelder takes another look at "Cold Fusion" now sometimes called "Low Energy Nuclear Reactions" to distance itself from the bad science of previous efforts.
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Richard Hull
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Re: Cold Fusion. Might be possible After all?

Post by Richard Hull »

I have always felt there is something lurking there since 1989. While a lot of very good and very bad work has been done on CF/CANR/LENR, it seems that if real, it will not lead to any form of real power fusion. If real, we will have reboot our concepts about material science in certain areas like metal lattice physics as related to gas loading. Nuff said on my part.

Richard Hull
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: Cold Fusion. Might be possible After all?

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Two of the three process the authors claim 30 orders of magnitude improvement in the cold fusion rate. Huh!? If cold fusion is occurring at one event per ten minutes in a few grams of substance then the fusion events would exceed the number of atoms in that sample every minute. That makes no sense.
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Richard Hull
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Re: Cold Fusion. Might be possible After all?

Post by Richard Hull »

Regardless of any claims or proofs this will never be a power source of fusion or even a dangerous fusion mechanism where ordinary elements and infused fusion gases are concerned.

If real it would demand a lot of explaining and rebooting but beyond the "shake up", regarding the epitome of the process, at large, it will be a mere curiosity.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
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