You know all those billions we keep laughing at that are being spent on "putt-putt boat" fusion and it's various monolithic cousins?
This just came over my transom. Apparently a lot of that capital and intellect is converging in Silicon Valley next month:
Fusion X: Global Invest
The only reference I can find on the website to anything remotely "IECF" is something called Horne Technologies that has raised $3-million to develop a "hybrid magnetic-electrostatic confinement system for fusion energy." GLWT*
Otherwise, near as I can tell, IECF is not on the agenda.
I know it's heretical to suggest that anything meaningful can ever come of the Fusor / IECF, but I'd sure like to be fly on those walls.
And maybe find an ear to bend.
But this is a pretty pricey proposition for my blood.
There was a time when I could cast aside any concerns re: cost aside and just fly myself out to a thing like this. Alas, those times are no more.
Can we start a "send Paul to Fusion X" fund?
Remember... it's tax deductible!
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*Good Luck With That!