Fusion X - February 12-14, 2025

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Fusion X - February 12-14, 2025

Post by Paul_Schatzkin »

You know all those billions we keep laughing at that are being spent on "putt-putt boat" fusion and it's various monolithic cousins?

This just came over my transom. Apparently a lot of that capital and intellect is converging in Silicon Valley next month:

Fusion X: Global Invest

The only reference I can find on the website to anything remotely "IECF" is something called Horne Technologies that has raised $3-million to develop a "hybrid magnetic-electrostatic confinement system for fusion energy." GLWT*

Otherwise, near as I can tell, IECF is not on the agenda.

I know it's heretical to suggest that anything meaningful can ever come of the Fusor / IECF, but I'd sure like to be fly on those walls.

And maybe find an ear to bend.

But this is a pretty pricey proposition for my blood.

There was a time when I could cast aside any concerns re: cost aside and just fly myself out to a thing like this. Alas, those times are no more.

Can we start a "send Paul to Fusion X" fund?

Remember... it's tax deductible!

- - -

*Good Luck With That! 🤦🏻‍♂️
Paul Schatzkin, aka "The Perfesser" – Founder and Host of Fusor.net
Author of The Boy Who Invented Television
"Fusion is not 20 years in the future; it is 60 years in the past and we missed it."
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: Fusion X - February 12-14, 2025

Post by Dennis P Brown »

As soon as any one mentions Silicon Valley, that is a key word for "ridiculous ideas" by people who got lucky with one meme and now think they are genius in every area of science and technology. Used to be that one first needed a PhD in physics to hold that type of delusion. Guess money can even buy delusion. ;)
Last edited by Dennis P Brown on Sat Jan 11, 2025 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joe Gayo
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Re: Fusion X - February 12-14, 2025

Post by Joe Gayo »


Considering some of the companies on the list, I think an IECF venture would completely fit in.

Richard Hodson
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Re: Fusion X - February 12-14, 2025

Post by Richard Hodson »

You need to pitch the sharks it's not easy. I can't go near them or I tell it like it is and get not welcomed. Melanie Windridge was science spokesperson for Tokamak Energy in the U.K. and now does this and other things. She is probably a tokamak major but she is not discriminating against other methods for this venture. The other leaders look good too I'm too tired to read. I asked Melanie a question once about magnetic forces on tokamak frames and plasma pressure years ago and she was very nice. I didn't understand how a 20 Tesla field only holds a 2 bar pressure plasma. It has to do with temperaures.

Hey Paul, I'm in trouble twice on here and on thin ice. I wanted to discuss fusion physics in a certain section but not really now. Can you give me some protection here because I feel I am not being targeted.

I don't like being told I need to go get my PhD by the science industrial establishment.

I don't like all the negative talk about electrostatic confinement being a failed method and that "I've seen every possible design over the years here etc. talk. I'm getting my own website for my project hopefully.

Avalanche thinks I'm nuts because fusors are toy plasma lamps but didn't say it.

Check out Avalanche's new graphics of device function. They try to create a denser plasma and compress it magnetically. They say our small wiley team but it's 40 people now with 13 PhD scientists. They are all on the orbitron train.

I saw a post by you a year before I joined about activating WaterStarproject because you were not convinced by the conclusions of the know it alls on here and I congratulate you on thinking outside the box of fixed neuron growth.
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Richard Hull
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Re: Fusion X - February 12-14, 2025

Post by Richard Hull »

No real published break out or break through fusion results on the planet yet, but lots of same old, same old, "We are the way to fusion, just give us more bread to sprinkle on our idea".

No numbers as to current operational, honest-to-God Q factors for their hardware rigs. They dare no quote any operational Q factors or no one would bet a dime on their operations.

It is now 90 years since fusion was discovered with not one watt of fusion applied to electrical generation. 19 years after the discovery of fission, the Shippingport reactor supplied the first distributal, money making, electricity to the American public! Fusion energy remains a dud.

Fusion startups abound and flourish on B.S. to get millions and now billions from the super rich which will surely turn out to be tax shelter write-offs.

Continuous 24-7-365 Fusion Q>1 talks.... Bullshit walks.

Continuous 24-7-365 Fusion Q>>1 means electricity.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
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Bob Reite
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Re: Fusion X - February 12-14, 2025

Post by Bob Reite »

A Q at least greater than 10 would be necessary for fusion to be a practical power source. The cost of solar, wind and grid scale energy storage is coming down to the point where it is competitive with fission and fossil fuel sources.
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Dennis P Brown
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Re: Fusion X - February 12-14, 2025

Post by Dennis P Brown »

The cost of any real fusion power based on magnetic will dwarf a fission reactor in cost. Fusion is simply not affordable as you pointed out -not when wind, and solar still make more economic sense right now in some places in the US. Especially now that battery tech is finally getting there (through still not proven for non-lithium but some of these alternates are being built for real world testing.)
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Richard Hull
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Re: Fusion X - February 12-14, 2025

Post by Richard Hull »

Like Bob, I have always said that a fusion Q of 10 or more would be needed and then only if the fusion plant that can do this is as cheap to build as a fission plant. It's the bean counters who are in change!

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
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Joe Gayo
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Re: Fusion X - February 12-14, 2025

Post by Joe Gayo »


Serious funding from private entities is about the people pursuing the idea and much less the idea itself (especially for fusion since the perceived return is so large).

Personality, credentials, pedigree, and track record all play an important role.

Good luck,

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