Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

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Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

Post by Paul_Schatzkin »

For a long time I have thought about creating a '501c3' non-profit organization to secure the operations of and assure it's posterity for future generations.

For the moment, I am entirely healthy and quite active. But I will be 74 years old in a few weeks and a lot of people my age are already dead. So something mechanism is needed to assure the continuity of this site beyond my individual life expectancy, whatever it turns out to be.

Over this past summer, I incorporated and obtained tax-exempt status for 'The Waterstar Foundation' – and have now tucked all the operations of this forum under that non-profit umbrella.

That means that any contributions that are made for the site's ongoing operations are now exempt from U.S. state and federal income taxes.

For a bit of background, I invite you to read the (draft) mission statement for the Foundation . Youll see the mission covers more than just preserving this website. It is dedicated to several dimensions of the Farnsworth legacy.

Given the Foundation's multi-faceted mission, I hasten to add that now has it's own dedicated bank account: any contributions made through the GoFundMe portal will be sequestered for to maintaining this site.

Should any of these other Big Ideas take shape, those funds will be deposited in other accounts.

The Foundation Board of Directors consists of myself, Frank Sanns, Joe Ballantyne, Jonathan Moulton (Farnsworth's great grandson) and Georja Skinner (my ex-wife who was with when we first met the Farnsworth family in 1975).

As I write, there are just enough funds in the dedicated account to assure that our hosting can be renewed for another year when it comes due in March, 2025.

Some members of the Board suggest that we should have enough on hand to keep things going for five or even ten years, so I have set the 'goal' for the GoFundMe at $15,000 ($7,500 above the equal amount raised previously), which would be enough for ~five more years.

So while there is no immediate need to launch a new campaign, the tax-exempt portal is now open for anyobdy who wants to donate.

Tax emption now doesn't mean a whole lot for most who have contributed to the site over the past few years. But some have contributed sufficiently substantial amounts that they might benefit should they elect to do so again in the future.

I honestly think we have a larger purpose here, and it's time that purpose be articulated, explored and pursued.

I'll put that in the next post.
Paul Schatzkin, aka "The Perfesser" – Founder and Host of
Author of The Boy Who Invented Television
"Fusion is not 20 years in the future; it is 60 years in the past and we missed it."
Richard Hodson
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Re: Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

Post by Richard Hodson »

Who has ownership of this website? Who is the big boss man? So I don't tell off the wrong person if they say stupid or silly stuff again to me. I can dish it out too. Even without a PhD like some members. Really smart people but you are asking for designs and insulted mine but I'm sure someone would take credit if it works. Make a few little changes. Same old story. I found no help here building and testing my design but was told never ever fund raise. Paul, would you like to speak privately on the phone about possibilities? I have been very poor all my life because college graduates tried ruining me and took my ideas. Same old story.

I believe in God or Gods and give them full credit for hydrogen and my fusion discovery. It probably works and they are just too slow to understand yet. That's okay, we can't all be great designers like me. Is fusion meant to be harnessed or not, by smart apes or other planet species? If my design fails after extensive effort I think not. Even though scientists scoff. Decades of getting paid for failure so don't say chit to me and new grads are greenhorns even if Prodigy. Humans are not ready for the gun but that never stopped them. They better wise up and follow Gods 10 instructions soon.(approximate ones). Humans are still cavemen. Just invented the gasoline automobile. Rode horses, lol, funny apes. Now it's time for the battle of the planet of the apes. The military mighty try and take this. Eisenhower had atoms for peace treaty signed by nations.
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Re: Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

Post by Richard Hodson »

Now I expect,,,just who do you think you are! Cease and desist! You dish it out so people quit.
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Re: Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

Post by Richard Hull »


Richard Hull
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Richard Hodson
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Re: Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

Post by Richard Hodson »

I read the history of this site. Paul met Richard and Tom Ligan (sp) in the late nineties. Tom being one of Bussards assistants. Another was Alex Klein but he was fired for disagreement so he obtained a PhD to start his own project. Anyway, I had read a book about fusor history in 1995 and then forgot about it until 2004 and used Wikipedia at the library when I could. At the time this site started in late 90, I had long dropped out of engeering and lost my drafting job and was slowly getting heat exhaustion from labor but didn't understand or even think about where the hell I was going in life and not fusion until I noticed something, forget. Bussards polywells had serious problems. Tom wrote he would invest in a new similar design but I wouldn't. This Hirsch Meeks design is good for learning and safe if used properly. That's your clubs mission. This new mission is separate. I stumbled on old posts that had some back ground info. I'm impressed and envious and good to know board members. I studied business and non profit structures recently. I can't remember anyone's background here but Paul and Richard and Tom. One is a physics grad and another is a chemist. Liam just received his PhD. I'm studying mean free path but difficult to get accurate data. Liam had something but I lost it in the quagmire.
Frank Sanns
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Re: Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

Post by Frank Sanns »

Richard Hodson,

These type of inflammatory comments are not appropriate on this site. Paul put up an update and you go off on some personal tirade against him and the members of the site.

Perhaps you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today but this type of behavior is not acceptable.

Consider this a formal warning to play nice to maintain your posting privileges.

Frank Sanns
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Re: Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

Post by thecoalman »

Paul_Schatzkin wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:21 pm .
For a long time I have thought about creating a '501c3' non-profit organization to secure the operations of and assure it's posterity for future generations.
The important thing is to make sure you have someone with access and authority to manage accounts. Most specifically the domain registration, use a shared email address for the domain registration and the main account holder for the server. Don't use on that can go *poof* like one from your ISP or even one of your own domains.

I believe you registered the domain with Knownhost? That makes things easy. Login into the account and on the right is link for "contact" which is a bit vague in it's meaning. You can use that to add or subtract users and assign privileges for the Knownhost account which controls both server account and the domain.

To access the DB and files you can either create a new Cpanel user account under the Fusor account or give them your existing credentials.
Richard Hodson
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Re: Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

Post by Richard Hodson »

My posts were not posted. My comments were not directed at Paul or personal in nature. My two posts were lengthy. The second was a long and complicated reply about fusion projects. Possibly just because it was fealt they were not appropriate for this thread... Appearantly you need to log in properly in the exact forum. I will test this. I just edited this hopefully. I may have timed out the typing timer.
Last edited by Richard Hodson on Sat Dec 14, 2024 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Richard Hodson
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Re: Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

Post by Richard Hodson »

Test. I will try to start a thread in the builders forum for a description of some differences between my design and others. I want to wait some to describe some things. I may not pursue this. I gave up but found Steven Sesselmanns many designs and patent which caused me to study spherical capacitors more. I understand why his designs failed and my design is different. The glass spherical electrostatic plasma focusing fusion device appears to be the first such concept and design. My design may fail also but could be useful. It is desiged to ignite. I fully understand the Hirsch Meeks design and why it is limited. Still neutrons are a good sign. I understand the skepticism of thinking controlled fusion is not possible and the design details are critical. Even though this design is simple it comes after many complicated design efforts for different methods too. It's control systems are critical and any significant contributions are given credit by Patent laws even if not patentable or too many headaches. So you could get prized awards without me complaining and even any money. Sad face. I have other secret propulsion designs that need testing and may be junk or may be very valuable. No existing similar patents either.
Last edited by Richard Hodson on Sat Dec 14, 2024 12:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
Richard Hodson
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Re: Tax Exemption for - And Looking Toward the Future

Post by Richard Hodson »

Test 2 top bar.

If your team builds my design which is public I would try to donate and ask contacts to donate. You could apply for grants and I would lobby Congress if wanted. Useless fusion projects are getting millions. I was asking for 2 million for a two year max effort to ignition. It just has to ignite then adjust fuel to keep ignited until it fails. Nuclear companies would engineer units for power and ship propulsion. Alloy plated walls etc. This is the natural design that can last and is easier to replace and maintenance etc. It could safely heat water for large buildings and heat for industrial processes. To replace coal and fission power and so many large solar and wind farms damaging the environment. At least I do not make false statements assuming success. This is also the lowest cost project but the best design. It's short nature can limit investment losses if failure.
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