Another startup with a slight difference

Reflections on fusion history, current events, and predictions for the 'fusion powered future.
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John Futter
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Another startup with a slight difference

Post by John Futter »

Here in NZ a company came out of stealth mode recently
read more here
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Richard Hull
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Re: Another startup with a slight difference

Post by Richard Hull »

Sounds great! Of course, they all do. Just keep the funding coming and it is real soon now.

Put another startup on the pile of startups. The more the merrier. After all 1952 to date no controlled nuclear fusion energy seen where Qtotal >1. Usable, distributable power for power utilities will demand a minimum of Q total = 10 to100 X input. Can't you all just sense how truly close we are to that goal! Hail the startups, as they appear coming out of the mist with their promises, going full tilt at the fusion windmill!

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
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Re: Another startup with a slight difference

Post by Matt_Gibson »

I’ll be standing by to buy up their stuff (on the cheap) when their operation fizzles out.

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Richard Hull
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Re: Another startup with a slight difference

Post by Richard Hull »

Smart move Matt!

A number we fusioneers here did buy up some items from Mark Suppes fusion attempt in the early 2000's. He put all his stuff up for grabs in the old trading post here on Failures in fusion are good news for those in need of all manner of scientific stuff on the cheap.

It is a good move to do a vulture circling of the injured and dying fusion efforts to pick over the spent carcass and bones of a much heralded and over-promised failure.

Unfortunately, a lot of their stuff, like their promises is just too big for any sort of amateur fusion effort. Such large material assets in the vacuum arena appear to not be of much use to failed big fusion as well as successful amateur fusion efforts. Sad but true.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
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Re: Another startup with a slight difference

Post by Matt_Gibson »

I wonder how willing they would be to share some of their setups with us?

The power supply is what most interests me. I’ve always been attracted to high voltage and high power. Both at the same time (controlled) is the real challenge.

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Re: Another startup with a slight difference

Post by JoeBallantyne »

Hi Charlotte -

Me again. Were you unable to click through all of the screens on the website. Was that too difficult?

I guess that clicking on the animated arrow at the bottom of the page, WAS too hard.

So you didn't get the answer to your question. Which is RIGHT THERE ON THEIR WEBSITE. (See the 4th bullet screen, if that is not too difficult for you.)

Of COURSE their plan is to make a power producing reactor. The fact they even exist, means that is the plan.

Will they be able to do it? Probably not.

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Re: Another startup with a slight difference

Post by JoeBallantyne »

Here is a challenge for you, Charlotte, which any human ought to be able to pass no problem at all.

Please tell us all the code name that Openstar uses for their planned power producing reactor.

If you can't answer that question within 24 hours, then I propose that the moderators ban your account.

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Re: Another startup with a slight difference

Post by JoeBallantyne »

It has now been more than 24 hours with no response. I do think you are not an actual person, and that your account should be banned.

My 2 cents.

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Re: Another startup with a slight difference

Post by Paul_Schatzkin »

Saturday morning, Oct 5 2024.

Thanks to Joe Ballantyne's challenges questions, it has been determined that the account registered under the name Charlotte King is some kind of AI/BOT that has nothing better to do.

"Charlotte King"s posts have been deleted and the account deactivated (but not deleted).

I am leaving Joe's challenge posts here for the time being. It seems to they likewise could be deleted.

At least, I'm reasonably certain Joe Ballantyine is an actual person.

That or the most realistic holographic AI/BOT I've ever seen.

Which has me wondering about the rest of us...

Paul Schatzkin, aka "The Perfesser" – Founder and Host of
Author of The Boy Who Invented Television
"Fusion is not 20 years in the future; it is 60 years in the past and we missed it."
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