Time, I guess, to add a partial History

Compilations of the works of significant long term members of the site. Induction into this area is by long term contribution and by nomination only.
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Dennis P Brown
Posts: 3667
Joined: Sun May 20, 2012 10:46 am
Real name: Dennis Brown

Time, I guess, to add a partial History

Post by Dennis P Brown »

Seeing Howards post, and seeing that he and I have a similar background, I guess I should add something on my BG.

I got interested in science as far back as I can remember. I majored in physics at my university (BS). Then took some time off, tried my hand at flying jets for the Air Guard but did not have the right stuff (saw too many deaths and too many close ones myself. Fighter jets are unforgiving.) Worked for a major DoD company in their R&D section for a few years. I was doing too many things to list but all related to growing HgCdTe based detector materials and creating new detectors based on other materials (twice.) Then took a Research Physicist position at the Naval Research Laboratories (NRL) in DC. Again, did far too many projects (many Black) so not gonna go there but some of the work was rather dangerous but hey, its for science. Then I had a daughter and so decided it was time to follow a safer area of research - lol

That is why I joined a laser fusion related group at NRL (Nike program). I've spent the majority of my career in that group doing both safe but very fun things. Got my masters in material science then and for my thesis, I developed a revolutionary composite - it enabled glass to become flexible (yes, more flexible than Al in tension.) An interesting aspect of it was it could defeat any known portable weapon at 1/7 th the weight of the world's best armor (Army testing.) Better still, it could handle repeat hits unlike ceramic armors. Through, the military deemed it still too heavy (not gonna explain that one) for their desired application. So I ended that work (I turned down the follow on money because it would waste DoD funds - yeah, a rather strange move by someone - lol. And yes, you can point and laugh.) After many productive years at NRL working on fusion related projects, I decided it was time to retire and pursue pure research on my own.

That is, I decided to try my hand at solving the so-called greatest problems in physics. The issue of fusing gravity with quantum. So, now taking some grad courses to get back up to speed (been 45 years!) As some here know I've discussed that topic of gravity from time to time but not relevant to fusors so enough on that windmill I'm chasing.

I built a fusor some years ago, still operate it at times (through it needs some repairs now) and hope to upgrade it when I have time. Do some experiments to see if I can add to this site's knowledge base with someone's previous approch to see if I can improve upon it.
Ignorance is what we all experience until we make an effort to learn
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