FAQ - Reading the table of the isotopes

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Richard Hull
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FAQ - Reading the table of the isotopes

Post by Richard Hull »

The book, Table of the Isotopes, Sixth edition, by Lederer, Hollander and Perlman, can be daunting to the neophyte. However, the book's real value is not for the neophyte, but to the advancing fusioneer here who seeks to activate various elements by using his fusor or fusion system to make very short-lived radioisotopes. Naturally, one is hardly a neophyte in fusion if one owns a working fusion system capable of neutron activation of elements. Still, this is a new area for many freshly minted neutron club members. (official fusioneers) This FAQ is part of the continued self-directed learning process that will make us better fusioneers with expanded horizons for our systems.

The PDF at the top of the image is your guide to the initial reading of the first section of tabulated isotopes in the above tome. There is a much larger section behind this first section. Do not fret over it until you fully grasp activation and the concept of radioisotopes. Learning by doing and study is the key to many doors opening before you.

I attach an image of the book in hardback below. In some cases it has been available in soft cover. just make sure it is the sixth edition with the above authors before purchase. Such purchases will all be of used copies.

Richard Hull
Reading table of the isotopes.pdf
(415.8 KiB) Downloaded 463 times
Table of isotopes crop.jpg
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
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Richard Hull
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Re: FAQ - Reading the table of the isotopes

Post by Richard Hull »

For those obtaining this book related to nuclear decay and isotopic study, this book contains two major sections.
The first half is a rather simple tabulation of the decays and methods of creating artificial isotopes.
The second part of the book follows up the first part's simple tabulation with a very complex and yet far mor complete energy level diagrams for the many decay energies mostly related to the plethora of gamma energies known in the decay chain. These energies are not handled in the simple tabulation section in the first half of the book.

For my part, I used only the first half of the book for a long time before I finally sought to dive headlong into the far more complete and complex total decay chains covered in this rather daunting second part of the book.

In short this is the bible of nuclear decay covering both the stable and radioactive isotopes of the elements.

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
Fusion is the energy of the future....and it always will be
The more complex the idea put forward by the poor amateur, the more likely it will never see embodiment
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