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Archived - Early fusor III images

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 4:06 pm
by Richard Hull
Attached are two old images I ran across taken in 1999 when I first hooked up Fusor III. Many of you might not be familiar with this iteration of Fusor III.

You can see that it was an extension of fusor II in that it was an all-in-one, "roadable" unit. I had the fusor and supply with gas system on a bed rail system of fiberglass angle rails. I itched for a week after cutting and boring holes in this system!

This arrangement allowed a great deal of early flexibility, but it was quickly realized that the ~22kv @ 6ma supply would limit the upper end of fusion to under 20,000 n/sec. I soon, (within 3 months), rebuilt the entire fusor with a much stronger, 20ma, and greater top voltage, 35Kv, supply onto the bench in the rear of my lab where it ran from 1999 to 2004. By 2002, the device topped out at about 3X10e5 neutrons/second.

The device utilized my first permenantly attached video camera to view the poissor, a feature I will never do without again.

Richard Hull