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Re: More Than Break even Reaction- - 77 out

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:24 pm
by Sbwavefarm
Yes it is and how about yourself?


there is no possible way that I could have heated water that fast, and if I did there is no way it would be a "nuclear reactor" that would produce any kind of charged particle be that a neutron, grama ray, or Xray.


I could not have built a "nuclear reactor" as i am currently charged with criminal penalties by the City of Santa Barbara. I am due in court in a few days.
Your expert opinions are priceless

Ubi pus, ibi evacua

NO way I could have done fission or fusion?
comments? lame comebacks?


Re: the N.R.C. does lic. fusion reactors, and operators

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:27 pm
by Sbwavefarm
Nice to meet you to.

Its still fusion and it costs alot less to produce that must piss you off are these anger, or fustration spaeking

Give me your fedex adress and I'll send you the notes you should be able to do it in under 4 hours from set up to "fusion event"

Bring all the fancy instruments you want

I am throwing down the scientific glove sir!

I have to go to work.

Nice chating with you.

Re: the N.R.C. does lic. fusion reactors, and operators

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:34 pm
by Chris Bradley
Matthew Kramer wrote:
> Bring all the fancy instruments you want
If someone has a BTI they would offer to sell you, would you agree to buy it, video it in real time next to a stop watch, and post the video up straight away to show the bubbles popping up? In fact, the bubbles will probably be quite audible - the thing should positively fizz into a froth in no time at all.

Would you agree not to post again until we can see that video? (after all, it should be a piece of cake?)

Re: More Than Break even Reaction- one unit in - 7.7226023 out

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:39 pm
by Andrew Seltzman

Thread is closed.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:03 pm
by Carl Willis
Due to making no sense and not being a useful technical disclosure in line with our prevailing standards, I have closed this thread.

I'm sorry it took so long to get this thread under control. I'm in Kazakhstan and Internet availability isn't what I'm used to in the US.
