The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics

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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics - The Bee Question

Post by JosephBlow » ... uk0605.htm

Bees and Gravity (Part 3 of 3)
Ian Rumsey

Generally a swarm is collected on site in the upper portion of the inner hive, then returned to the apiary in the evening and replaced on to the lower portion of the inner hive. This arrangement causes the bees no disturbance but has the disadvantage of the bees building the initial comb to an alignment at the swarm collection site, rather than the apiary site. However in this particular instance owing to the mechanical contrivance of the hive the swarm was 'run in' upon a white cloth, up a gentle slope, into the base of the hive.

The following morning one could feel that the bees had occupied the upper portion of the inner hive. The clock was rewound and the system rebalanced. This arrangement was repeated each evening. After 16 days when the pivot portion of the inner hive was complete with comb, the hive was dismantled and the roof of the inner hive removed. ... rts3-1.jpg

Photo 1 refers. As may be seen the comb alignment runs diagonally across the hive, not exactly corner to corner, at an angle of 45 degrees, but at something less. This alignment points due East. A photo of a hive, positioned in the same manner but without the rocking motion, is shown below. The direction of the comb is identical.

Photo 2 refers. Had the variation of the vertical component of gravity, caused by the side to side motion of the inner hive, influenced comb direction it would have been expected that the comb would have run horizontally, parallel, from left to right, across the hive. This is clearly not the case and would suggest that the variation of the vertical component of gravity, caused by what ever means, does not influence comb alignment. The question is now what does actually decides comb direction.

If it is not gravitational variation, or the Earth's magnetic field, may we look elsewhere for some force which apparently approaches from the East. The Earth rotates in this direction, and whether on the equator or in the UK, the rotation would be towards due East.

Rotating mass is rather an unknown quantity. As rotating magnets produce electro-magnetic fields, it so happens that rotating mass produces gravitomagnetic fields which have the ability of warping time and space. Strangely enough this phenomenon is known as ‘Frame Dragging’.

It is possible therefore that bees align their comb in accordance with this gravitomagnetic force, which like the ‘Three Wise Men’, comes from the East.

Let us therefore travel East, through time and space, and visit Egypt, 4000 years ago.

This subject looks like it will be continued. If you would like to contact Ian his email address is: ianrumsey @ Ed.
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics - The Bee Question

Post by JosephBlow »

Sorry if this offends but I couldn't help myself : )
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics

Post by Starfire »

A minor correction Joseph - standing waves do not propagate ( move ). They are produced from the interaction ( Algebraic addition ) of two or more propagating waves of the exactly the same frequency and are simply static energy gradients across space. In a radio transmitter feeding a load via a feed cable, they can result from an impedance mismatch causing a reflected wave to return along the feeder and interact with the original source wave energy ( neglecting side-bands )

If an interaction is from waves of different frequencies, they will heterodyne and produce a propagating difference (Algebraic) frequency – called a beat frequency. This mixing of different frequencies is the principle of the super-heterodyne receiver
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics

Post by JosephBlow »

A couple of related articles on this:

"A Different Approach to Cosmology:From a Static Universe through the Big Bang towards Reality". Burbidge,G.,Hoyle,F.& Narlikar, J.V.
Cambridge University Press, (in press)

"Very close pairs of quasi-stellar objects." Burbidge, G., Hoyle, F. & Schneider, P. 1997 ... heory.html

From the article:
The observation that redshifts increase the farther away the object was first described by American astronomer Edwin Hubble in the 1920s.

That discovery proved that the universe was expanding. In the years that followed, two primary theories competed to explain this phenomenon.

One of them was the big-bang theory, which proposed that space and time emerged from a single, infinitely small point of infinite energy that exploded in a fireball of creation and set into motion an expanding universe. Over time, according to this model, the spaces between galaxies grow ever larger.

"The other competing theory was the steady state model. Today, the Burbidges support a revised version. The original steady state model proposed an expanding universe in which new matter is continually produced to compensate for ever widening volumes of space. Overall density, as a result, remains constant.

Early on in the debate between the two theories, astronomers found that quasars, believed to be energetic cores of remote galaxies, become more numerous the farther away they looked.

That finding was critical in helping to discredit the steady-state model, which requires that objects are distributed evenly throughout the universe.

The Burbidges question the validity of redshift measuring for quasars; doing so challenges the notion that quasars are more numerous the farther away astronomers look.

Hardly any other astronomers stand in the Burbidge camp on this issue.

"It's not that we don't want them to be right," British astronomer and author Martin Rees said of the Burbidges' contrary views on cosmology.

"It would be marvelous if astronomy had discovered something fundamentally new, some new cause of the red shift. And thinking that, I'm rather disappointed that they just have these same few examples over the last 30 years of galaxies looking linked to quasars, which most of us don't find compelling."

Okay and the Harmonics Theory has a snippet on the Red Shift question:
Harmonics theory - Quantised galaxy distances
I came across an article that reported that galaxy redshifts tended to be multiples of 72 kilometres per second. A redshift is a measurement of the displacement of the lines in the spectrum of an object towards longer than normal laboratory wavelengths. Each chemical has unique lines in its spectrum and the light of distant objects can tell us not only the chemical content of the object but how fast it is travelling towards or away from us. The red shift can have several possible causes including velocity, very strong gravity and possibly other effects not yet fully understood.

According to the prevailing view of the universe, the big bang is responsible for the galaxies all flying apart at great velocities. The velocities are supposedly proportional to the distances between the galaxies and related by the Hubble constant. The constant is named after Edwin Hubble who discovered that galaxies have redshifts in proportion to their distances.
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics

Post by longstreet »

If you really like crazy ideas, I've got one for you. What if everything is getting smaller? All forces are getting weaker and all matter is "crunching" to make up for it. For close by objects we don't notice it because things aren't scalling very much over time relative to each other. But it is noticable on the cosmic scale. Any acceleration away from us we see can actually be a constant, or even decreasing, velocity in the super-relative sense. It's just our rulers (EM etc forces) are getting smaller. Everything didn't start from a point and expand outward. Everything started from a point and we are still actually very close to the point of origin.

Ok, really crazy talk is over. Do with it what you want.
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics

Post by RayTomes »

John Hendron states that I do not address the question of the fundamental nature of the wave medium - magnetic, electric, gravitational. He is right. Some years ago I did state that I thought it was e/m and later gravitational but various arguments by physicists criticised this view. I can say certainly that the waves travel at velocity c as there are several examples where the wavelength and period match, e.g. Geological cycle of 586 My and galaxy cluster spacings of 128 MPc/h0 => 586 MLy if h=71.

I want to comment on the cymatics and harmonics theory. The cymatics experiment simply shows that waves in a non-linear medium will make fascinating non-predictable structures. The harmonics theory is based on non-linear waves to arrive at a pattern frequently observed in nature. I highly recommend reading Edward Dewey's work, see for example ... cycles.pdf

I am very happy to address any other questions you might have.
Best wishes
Ray Tomes
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics

Post by JosephBlow »

Hello Ray,

I've always been interested in how your theories could explain Sonoluminescence.

http://microgravityuniversity.jsc.nasa. ... rchives=35

University of Washington
The Effects of Microgravity on Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence
When a small bubble is levitated in a standing wave field, it can undergo large, nonlinear radial pulsations, and upon collapse, generate a flash of light. This phenomenon, called sonolumenescence, has generated much interest in the scientific community due to the very interesting and unpredictable behavior observed experimentally. Several articles on this subject have also appeared in popular science magazines such as Physics Today [Crum, 1994], Scientific American [Putterman, 1995] and Science [Crum, 1994; Hiller, 1994]. One of the features of sonoluminescence is that as the pressure field inside the levitation cell is increased, the light output increases, until a point called the extinction threshold. Beyond this point, the bubble ceases to "glow" and in fact gets destroyed. One possiblt explanation for the extinction threshold is that as the pressure increases, instabilities develope due to the force of buoyancy. That is, large bubbles are more buoyant than small bubbles. As the bubble oscillates, the bubble will also translate due to the effects of buoyancy. If the translational velocity is large, deformations in the bubble wall can develop and lead to catastrophic instabilities. In micro-gravity conditions this force is nearly absent and the instabilities caused by bouyancy should dissappear. Our proposal is to test this hypothesis by determing the extinction threshold in both micro-gravity and hyper-gravity. We also plan to use the World Wide Webb to post our progress leading to the flight, and then post our results there as well. Finally, we fully expect to present our results at a scientific conference.

Washington State University
Gravitation Dependence and Stable Conditions of Single Bubble Sonoluminescence
The proposed experiments would examine the gravity dependence and stable conditions of single bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL). SBSL occurs when a bubble acoustically levitated in a liquid medium expands and contracts due to the oscillation of the sound field and emits light. Under normal gravity (1 g) conditions, a SBSL bubble is acted on by the Bjerknes force (which pushes it towards an antinode of the sound field), and by its buoyany. The Bjerknes force and the buoyancy oppose each other, resulting in vertical displacement and compression of the bubble. The normal gravity SBSL bubble's buoyancy is absent, and the Bjerknes force is therefore able to levitate the bubble almost exactly at the pressure antinode. This leads to highly spherical bubbles, symmetric flow around the bubble, and no vertical translation. The results of SBSL gravity dependence experiments would therefore provide significant evidence to substantiate or refute the many current SBSL theories that deal directly with a bubble's sphericity, flow symmetry, and vertical translation. Specifically, these include the shock wave theory, the microjet theory, and the theory that an elliptical bubble is responsible for dipole patterns of SBSL light emission. Additionally, it is hypothesized that, since instabilities in the bubble wall due to vertical translation can cause a bubble's demise, the SBSL extinction threshold will be higher in microgravity.
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics

Post by RayTomes »

Hi Joseph

I don't think that harmonics theory can explain sonoluminescence. However I think that there is a common aspect in that both are related to standing spherical waves. Another subject related to both of these is the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM). The following is my take on sonoluminescence.

The little bubbles are compacted by standing waves of pressure. During this process, any light (or heat or other e/m waves) that is internal to the bubble gets gradually concentrated due to the slight change in radius between the light entering the bubble and arriving at the other side. In general, the bubble and surrounding spherical pressure wave acts as a focus for energy that can increase the energy density by many orders of magnitude.

Such increase will only occur if certain conditions are met. These include that the bubble remain essentially spherical. Even a slightly unround bubble can become far from spherical when it contracts by several orders of magnitude. However if the non-linearity of the pressure wave velocity has the right relationship, then the wave will become increasingly spherical as it contracts because the enrgy will concentrate faster where the curvature is greater and the velocity will speed up more as a result and the curvature will be kept balanced.

The increase in energy density is related to the inverse cube of the radius of the bubble or wave. That means that a bubble contracting by a factor of 10^2 or 10^3 or more will increase energy density by a factor of 10^6 or 10^9 or more. I have seen an article that understands this and did computer simulations that show even fusion is possible. Of course there articles about sonofusion also and it does appear to happen.

The whole are of cold fusion is possibly also connected with this. People do not realise however that the tuning of the whole apparatus in relation to the particular reaction is an important aspect that may alter the yield by factors of a million or more which is why the experimental results are often not consistent. On several occasions explosions resulting in death or lab destruction have occurred. I believe that this is because the dimensions and tuning of the apparatus has wandered into a critical frequency that makes a runaway reaction.

These aspects of tuning can be better understood by studying the harmonics theory. I have found situations where things may be harmonically tuned over extremely large scale differences. Perhaps Keely had some understanding of this but his method is now lost it seems.


I will be away next couple of weeks.
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics - Jon DePew?

Post by JosephBlow »

Thanks, I followed it and it makes sense.

How would you see this site by a certain John De Pew with the Harmonics Theory and Keely's work?

Jon found it rather recently after researching some of Ed Leedskalnin's work on the Coral Castle in Homestead Florida, which incidentally, has the largest known rock hewn and moved by man (a 100 lbs man without moving equipment).
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics - Jon DePew?

Post by longstreet »

I'd comment on the content if I knew what the heck he is talking about. Anyone care to translate into physical language?
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Richard Hull
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics - Jon DePew?

Post by Richard Hull »

Can we all say "word salad"? I know Frank Sanns can. There is a big difference between a well written, comprehensible, but long running diatribe and a word salad. A word salad will use odd terms, self generated, unknown acronyms and place the reader on a perhaps deliberately misleading and obfuscational, verbal, merry-go-round.

A beautifully crafted word salad will convince all but the most skeptical and adroit, that the author is very intelligent and leave the reader no more informed than when starting, but with distinct impression that they have read something of worth and technical value.

Word salad, is a psychiatric term. I once new a doctor who was in my astronomy group. We once had a vistor who was a bit "off", but who could speak in word salad with some effortless grandeur. I was shocked, amazed and amused. The doctor told me that this was a condition that some people suffered from in that they conversed in meaningless "word salads". The psychiatric "salad" is often truly meaningless and incomprehensible and uses big words and jargon. I consider myself blessed when in the presense of someone who can do this in real time, but damned when forced to attempt to wade through a supposed paper of scientific or technical value and find the author doing this, often in an attempt to mislead or obfuscate.

The URL reference supplied here was obviously an attempt at the latter elegance, but falls on its face, along with its author before all but the most gullable. I love this stuff and marvel at these people when ever I meet them in person. Fortunately, it is not all that often.

Richard Hull
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics - Jon DePew?

Post by JosephBlow »

I won't defend Mr. DePew's "word salad" - however, the Coral Castle is an interesting feat. It's a bit inexplicable, dare I say a modern mystery? How did a man with supposedly a "4th grade" education engineer it? I doubt many on this board could build a decent woodshed by hand using the latest kits from their local hardware store. If you need to move your couch down a flight of stairs, I'm sure you call your brother or your neighbor to help out. How did "Ed" do it with a 15 ton coral rock? At least Jon gave it a shot even though he wanders into tossing a nicely mixed "word salad". I suppose a person can spend a little time with a good 3-D program, make a few intricate patterns with Ed's two shapes, and then explain how he rediscovered an ancient secret so simple it was overlooked by millions. It's a fairly clever idea and is one of but best ones I've seen so far - even tops approaches with infrasound waves. The engineers can't come close to Coral Castle yet without a huge crane. Perhaps Jon'll have the last laugh after all.

You might get a chuckle out of the real deal himself. Here are Ed's own words:

Words from Ed Leedskalnin / Regarding Magnetic Currents

1.All branches of science lack a sound base.

2.Physicists are using one sided equiptment to chase
the non existing protons and electrons.

3.Geologists do not know what gravitation is ,
and what causes earthquakes and mountains.

4.Astronomers do not know what cause the seasons.

5.Millions of people all over the world have been fooled
,including myself ,by wrong drawings in geography
books,in showing how the Earth's yearly path around the sun causes summer and winter. In fact the drawings are wrong. I was lucky I made a rock telescope and sundial,and they defooled me.
Now I know the right path the Earth follows.The scientists should come to Rock Gate and have a good look at the new drawing , telescope and sundial
, then notice how it would affect science.

6.Radio waves are not waves; they are North and South pole individual magnets which are coming out of a
transformer of the secondary windings coil ends,one half going up in the air and the other half in the ground
in increasing and decreasing numbers. The numbers are regulated by the transmitting tube ,and the speed by voltage.The magnets are not running up to the ionosphere and down again, but are running "HORIZONTALLY" until they are lost. Those magnets which go up to the ionosphere never come back as radio waves to the reciever, they only cause the ionosphere magnets to come back to Earth as radar waves.Magnets do not run in the way the radio wave drawings show. the way, there is an Electrical Engineer that Jon links to on his site a certain John Compton who studies the IChing. (

"In brief, you should know the following about me: I am an Electrical Engineer by Profession. My research began some twenty years ago and has been continually up-dated ever since. My speciality is in the area of Mathematics and Computers."
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics - The Bee Question

Post by JosephBlow »

It seems Bees have Magnetite in their cells:

Back in 1974, R. Blakemore at the University of New Hampshire uncovered a remarkable trick that certain species of fresh water bacteria seemed to share. As they grow to maturity, each of them creates within their single-celled bodies nearly two-dozen pure cubical crystals of magnetite. Like pearls on a string, the crystals are oriented along the long axis of the bacterium. By some evolutionary process we can't imagine, primitive organisms somehow grew a single crystal of magnetite, perhaps as an annoying byproduct of eating. As these crystal 'excements' accumulated, the host became more efficient in finding its way to new locations rather than spinning around and around in the dark. Whatever the process, lowly bacteria managed to beat humans to the discovery of the magnetic compass by, oh, about 3 billion years! (ref = Sci Am, 245, p. 58 1981)

Using magnetite as a clue, scientists have thrown many different organisms under the microscope, and many organisms have now been found to have at least some kind of magnetite embedded in them including homing pigeons, tuna, honey bees, dolphins, whales and green turtles. Searching for such a magnetite compass among the billions of cells of an organism is far worse that searching for a magnetic needle in an organic haystack.

The story has become legendary about how homing-pigeon rallys are note held during times when geomagnetic conditions are unstable.

But how, exactly, does an organism 'sense' which direction magnetite crystals are pointing inside them? How do You know which way ....The most telling juxtapositions seem to be found in mammals. In 1982 Maugh wrote an article for Science "Magnetic Navigation, an Attractive Possibility' (Science 215, 1492.) detailing how microscopic examination of the magnetite crystals turned up some kinds of nervous tissue. Three years later, a complete book was written on "Magnetite Biomineralization and Magnetoreception in Organisms (Plennum Press, NY, 1985) by Kirchvink, Jones and Mac Fadden.
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics - Jon DePew?

Post by DaveC »

Just scanned through the coralcastle site... with all the pictures... wonders why, if there is something in a picture that all should see and understand, it is shown with indescipherably poor resolution. I enlarged some of the mysterious drawings to full screen and still could not make out a single intelligible pattern or character.

A short story:
We used to have more than a few of this sort call on us at the power company during times of energy crises. The folks are usually always entertaining, and often good natured.. but utterly incomprehensible.

I remember a meeting with one gentleman.. a PhD.from MIT as he represented himself, who came to discuss "Magnetic Waveguides and Solar Energy"... Brought with him a large roll of blueprints..(about what we never knew), a short length of square steel tubing, and Misener,Thorne, and Wheeler's huge book Gravitation - which had a paper clip in nearly every page!

I and a colleague and the gentleman went into my boss' office for the meeting. As the man spoke, my head began to spin... we went from inside the atom to outside the universe in just seconds and as easily as going to the coffee machine. ( As Richard says... it was spellbindingly fascinating stuff.)

I watched my boss (an excellent Physicist) taking this all in with a twinkle in his eye, great interest and solemnity, and was beginning to wonder if I was missing something, when my colleague leans over and says "Do you understand anything he is saying?" To which I replied ."I think he's as nutty as a fruitcake."

After a good hour of this, my boss finishes up by phoning a former associate in another company to tell him he had someone he was sending over to talk to him, and then gave the gentleman the name and address of the person on the phone.

After I saw him, blueprints, book and tubing off to the elevator, and safely headed to the ground floor and out, I met my boss at the coffee machine, where he said to me "Did you understand anything he was talking about?" I replied as before...that I thought he was wacky.... Then the boss says to me ," Let me tell what I just did. I have been wanting to get back at that guy ... (his former associate) for years for something he had done. So I sent this fellow off to see him."

Those were times that made your whole day...sooo simple afterward. We had an entire file cabinet full of these ideas and proposals.. We referred to it as "File 51".

Dave Cooper
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Richard Hull
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics - Jon DePew?

Post by Richard Hull »

Beautiful Dave! Your boss reminded me of a Monty Python skit where John Clease is a bookstore owner and a particularly annoying, nasal sounding customer is in his shop asking for bizarre and absurd titles, all of which, Clease has never heard. On about the 30th request, Clease realizes that this will go on interminably and says " I tell you what....Why don't you try Wilby Marks & Sons, they've got a lot of books, too, you know." to which the man says, "They suggested I try you". To which, Clease, with a scowling voice, twisted face, while biting his lip and clinching his fists, says.........."Oh....Did they......" You could see he was registering this as an unspoken, " that's one I owe them now", vendetta.

Yes, sometimes inorder not to hurt feelings, one must occassionally deflect the flying, unthinking arrow to another supposedly more interesting target of opportunity.

Unfortunately, as I am now the head of the North Carolina based Electric Spacecraft Incorporated, I have to use this tactic more frequently. Though, as I become more jaded, I fear I may loose some patience in future. With a name like this, you can only imagine some of the inquiries.

Still, with each rejection, you can't help but wonder if one of the hair-brains you sent packing has it right at some level you didn't comprehend. And, perhaps, one day, your single claim to fame will be akin to being the man who single handedly kicked that weirdo, Issac Newton, out the door and threw his incomprehensible "Principia" right after him.

We all seem to have our term being lashed to the mast.

In the end, we can only apply reason, logic and training to discern, at range, that which seems viable and worth pursuit. Distant visions are for true visionaries and loons. (On a ratio of 1 to 1 million, respectively.)

Richard Hull
Progress may have been a good thing once, but it just went on too long. - Yogi Berra
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Re: The Harmonic Theory and Cymatics

Post by JosephBlow » ... Signed.pdf ... Signed.pdf

The 80-year-old Geoffrey Burbidge, a veteran foe of orthodox cosmology
who calls himself an “elderly radical,” said he’s unsure what such puzzling
discoveries as HUDF-JD2 mean, but they don’t particularly surprise him.

Some recent publications on the Burbidges' work noted above in an earlier post.
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