Another ineresting website

This forum is for other possible methods for fusion such as Sonolumenescense, Cold Fusion, CANR/LENR or accelerator fusion. It should contain all theory, discussions and even construction and URLs related to "other than fusor, fusion".
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Another ineresting website

Post by H1 »

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Re: Another ineresting website

Post by henryhallam »

Looks like another load of bullshit to me.

"...In a special case wherein the gravitational potential energy density of a blackhole equals that of the Plank mass, matter converts to energy and spacetime expands with the release of a gamma ray burst. The singularity in the SM is eliminated."
Andrew Seltzman
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Re: Another ineresting website

Post by Andrew Seltzman »

> "...In a special case wherein the gravitational potential energy density of a blackhole equals that of the Plank mass, matter converts to energy and spacetime expands with the release of a gamma ray burst. The singularity in the SM is eliminated."

I believe this is correct; it sounds a lot like the effects of Hawking radiation.

A black hole of small mass that is not consuming mass from an external source will decrease in mass more and more rapidly due to the presence of virtual particle pairs. Virtual particle / antiparticle pairs are created and annihilate each other in free space, however in the presence of a black hole, one of these relativistic particles may fall through the event horizon while the other escapes.

The crux of this argument lies in conservation of matter/energy which is not violated by this quantum mechanical phenomenon. Two particles, one an antiparticle, are created from nothing and return to nothing (hence the name virtual), thereby satisfying conservation of matter/energy.

If the recombination of the two particles is prevented by one falling past the event horizon of the black hole, while the other escapes, the new mass of the real escaping particle must be compensated for. This is achieved by the particle that has entered the black hole assuming negative mass, thus reducing the mass of the black hole.

This effect permits a black hole to radiate matter while satisfying the general relativity law of nothing escaping from inside the event horizon. A black hole that is not absorbing matter will continue to loose mass in an exponentially increasing manner until its gravitational field is insufficient to maintain infinite space time curvature and the black hole ceases to exist in a gamma ray burst.

Virtual particles:

Hawking radiation:

Andrew Seltzman
Andrew Seltzman
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