NaI Scintillator Sources

This area is for discussions involving any fusion related radiation metrology issues. Neutrons are the key signature of fusion, but other radiations are of interest to the amateur fusioneer as well.
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NaI Scintillator Sources

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The most expedient approach for assembling a NaI detector would be to grab an assembled scintillator/PMT from some place like Ebay. They regularly pop up there. Don Orie at Oetech might have some finished assemblies as well. If you really have a yen to assemble a scintillator by your lonesome, a canned crystal is probably the best approach. This is a crystal in an aluminum can with reflective packing and a glass window for PMT interface. I have also seen canned crystals from both the above mentioned sources. "Special scintillator" radiation counters can also be disassembled for their scintillator assemblies.
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